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Monday, June 30, 2008


مَنْ تَعَارَ مِنَ اللَّيْل فقال

"لا إلَهَ إلاَّ الله وحْدَهُ لا شَرِيكَ لَهُ،
لَهُ المُلْكُ ولَهُ الحَمْدُ وهُوَ على كلِّ شيءٍ قَدير،
الحَمْدُ لله وسُبْحانَ الله
ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر
ولا حَولَ ولا قُوةَ إلا بالله"
ثم قال:
"اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لي"
، أو دعى استُجيبَ لهُ،
فإن توَضأَ وصَلّى قُبِلَتْ صَلاتُهُ

Thursday, June 26, 2008

هــــل تريد الـــ ____ علـــيك بالـــ -


الحمد لله رب العالمين

وصلى الله على سيد المرسلين


هل تريد البرهان على صحة الإيمان ؟ ..... عليك بالصدقة...!!

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم

... 'والصدقة برهان'

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هل تريد الشفاء من الأمراض ؟ .... عليك بالصدقة

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم

' داووا مرضاكم بالصدقة '

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هل تريد أن يظلك الله يوم لا ظل إلا ظله ؟ ..... عليك بالصدقة

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم

'كل امرئ في ظل صدقته حتى يُفصل بين الناس'

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هل تريد أن تطفئ غضب الرب ؟ ... عليك بالصدقة

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم

' صدقة السر تطفئ غضب الرب'

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هل تريد محبة الله عز وجل ؟ ... عليك بالصدقة

قال عليه الصلاة والسلام

أحب الأعمال إلى الله عز و جل سرور تدخله على مسلم , أو

تكشف عنه كربة , أو تقضي عنه دينا , أو تطرد عنه جوعا , ولان

أمشي مع أخي في حاجه أحب إلي من أن اعتكف في هذا المسجد شهر

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هل تريد الرزق ونزول البركات ؟ .... عليك بالصدقة

قال الله تعالى

' يَمْحَقُ الله الرِّبَا وَيُرْبِي الصَّدقات '

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هل تريد الحصول على البر والتقوى ؟ ... عليك بالصدقة

قال الله تعالى

' لَنْ تَنَالُوا البّرَ حَتى تُنْفِقُوا مِمَا تُحِبُون وَمَا تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ شَيءٍ فَإِنَّ اللهَ بِهِ عَلِيم '

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هل تريد أن تفتح لك أبواب الرحمة ؟ ... عليك بالصدقة

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم

' الراحمون يرحمهم الله,إرحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء '

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هل تريد أن يأتيك الثواب وأنت في قبرك ؟ ..... عليك بالصدقة

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم

'إذا مات الإنسان انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاثة: وذكر منها صدقة جارية'

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هل تريد أن توفي نقص الزكاة الواجبة ؟ ... عليك بالصدقة

حديث تميم الداري رضي الله عنه مرفوعاً قال: 'أول ما يحاسب

عنه العبد يوم القيامة الصلاة؛ فإن كان أكملها كتبت له كاملة، وإن

كان لم يكملها قال الله تبارك وتعالى لملائكته: هل تجدون

لعبدي تطوعاً تكملوا به ما ضيع من فريضته؟ ثم الزكاة مثل ذلك،

'ثم سائر الأعمال على حسب ذلك

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هل تريد إطفاء خطاياك وتكفير ذنوبك ؟ ... عليك بالصدقة

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم

'الصوم جنة , والصدقة تطفيء الخطيئة كما يطفيء الماء النار '

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هل تريد أن تقي نفسك مصارع السوء ؟ ... عليك بالصدقة

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم

'صنائع المعروف تقي مصارع السوء '

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هل تريد أن تطهر نفسك وتزكيها؟.... عليك بالصدقة

قال الله تعالى

' خذ من أموالهم صدقة تطهرهم وتزكيهم بها '

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قال صلى الله عليه وسلم

ثلاث أحلف عليهن ومنهن: ' ما نقص مال من صدقة '

وقال أيضاً: ' اتقوا النار ولو بشق تمرة "

واللـــــــــــــه أعلم

اللهم تقبل منا صالح أعمالنا

وتوفنا مسلمين

اللهم آمين
( نحتاج الى دقيقة لنجد شخصا مميزا و ساعة لتقديره و يوم لنحبه ولكننا نحتاج الى أيام عمرنا كله لننساه )

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Scariest Med Student of All!

The Scariest Med Student of All
Anna Burkhead -- We’ve all seen them. Lurking in the library. Buying residents’ coffee. Offering to do extra presentations or talks.

You know those med students I’m talking about.

The Gunners. Every med school class has them. Usually there are multiple Gunners to a class. Being a Gunner isn’t necessarily all bad, all the time. In fact, some people take it as a compliment, meaning they’ll go the “extra mile” to learn.

But it doesn’t stop there. There exists something much more evil and far more frightening. The evil med student archetype that you may not know about, though nearly every class has one, is The Gunner’s more extreme counterpart, The Sniper.

Being a Sniper is different. It’s all bad, all the time. The term itself is relatively new, occupying the extreme end of the med school overachievement spectrum. While a Gunner is aggressive, a Sniper is malicious. While a Gunner shows off, a Sniper puts you down. Next to the guy who coughs in your face every morning during Pediatrics, a Sniper is the last person you want to do a rotation with.

A few comparisons:

-GUNNER: Reads. A lot.

-SNIPER: Checks out all four library copies of the “suggested” textbook for your rotation.

-GUNNER: Puts his pager number at the top of the list on any given service.

-SNIPER: Creates the pager list on any given service, and accidentally mistypes the pager numbers for the other two medical students.

-GUNNER: Suggests during rounds that perhaps he could give a short presentation on Disease X, prompting you to follow with “And I can present Disease Y.”

-SNIPER: Approaches the attending after rounds to offer a similar presentation, and then surprises you by doing said presentation the next day, while you remain presentation-less and lazy-looking.

-GUNNER: Finds obscure online resources and/or notes from previous classes, posts 20 links to online forum under the heading “FYI”.

-SNIPER: Finds online resources and notes, denies having any study materials when asked by a classmate in need.

Unfortunately for them and for all the hard work they put into their craft, being a Gunner or a Sniper can backfire. (You get it? A Gunner/Sniper backfiring? Haha. Ok.) Residents and attendings often see right through the aggressive attitude, and some don’t like it.

I’ve had classes with many a Gunner, and rotations with a few, and been called one myself. I don’t think I’ve ever made direct contact with a Sniper (although part of their sneakiness lies in their non-identification). They can be hard to spot. Beware!

If anyone out there has had a run-in with a Sniper, or a particularly bad experience with a Gunner, do share!

10 Things You Can Do To Develop A Culture Of Unity

10 Things You Can Do To Develop A Culture Of Muslim Unity
by Abdul Malik Mujahid

The sight is always amazing.

Pilgrims standing shoulder to shoulder, of all shades and races, dressed in simple white, stripped of all kinds of worldly barriers, be they of wealth, profession, geography, class, education or other.

This enduring image of Hajj has become a hallmark of this Ummah's unity in its diversity.

But as we head towards the journey of a lifetime or watch loved ones leave for it in these next few days, the challenge remains: how do we retain this culture of unity that marks Hajj?

How do we keep the bonds of Islamic brother/sisterhood intact to fulfill our goals as an Ummah, especially in North America, where our diversity is even more marked than in other parts of the world?

Here are ten practical ways you and your community can build unity:

1. Understand that Muslim unity is not an option

It's become cliché to say that Muslims have reduced Islam to rituals and forgotten other important tenets. While it is crucial to practice the five pillars of Islam, for instance, we cannot ignore other basic aspects of the faith that emphasize brother and sisterhood.

Muslim unity is a Fard (obligatory duty) according to the Quran and Traditions of the Prophet Mohamed (peace and blessings be upon him). Consider the following references below:

From the Quran (49:10): The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear God, that ye may receive Mercy.

Also from the Quran (3:103): And hold fast, all together, by the rope which God (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude God's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth God make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.

From the Hadith:

In their love, kindness and compassion for each other, the believers are like a human body: when one part of it is hurt, the rests sympathizes with it in wakefulness and fever (Bukhari, Muslim).

2. Reflect on Hajj as a time for Muslim unity

Use this time on a personal basis, as well as within your family and community to remind Muslims of how the Hajj is a unifying factor for Muslims. Hold a family meeting about this topic. Organize a seminar at your mosque about how Hajj is a beautiful symbol of Muslim unity. Make sure your speakers are those who have performed Hajj and can attest to this fact. Also brainstorm practical ways the lessons of unity from Hajj can be implemented in your community throughout the year and come up with an action plan in your community.

While you're planning, make Dua for unity throughout this period (the first 10 days of Zul Hijjah, which is a blessed time).

Say the Masnoon Takbirat and add Talbiyah to it which is "Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la sharika laka Labbayk, Innal hamda wanni'mata laka walmulk La sharika lak". The translation of the Talbiyah is: O my Lord, Here I am at Your service, Here I am. There is no partner with You. Here I am. Truly, the praise and the provisions are Yours, and so is the dominion and sovereignty. There is no partner with you."

Say it with your children and family and think about its meaning, remembering that you are at Allah's service and we cannot serve unless we are united.

3. Learn tolerance towards other points of view

Isn't it interesting that we can attend classes at college or speak with colleagues from work and discuss issues while being willing to disagree with them? But the minute some of us step into a mosque or Muslim community function, all that tolerance seems to go out the window.

Islam is very broad and wide, contrary to popular belief, and you can find a range of scholarly views on issues as diverse as how to place our hands during prayer to whether or not Muslims should participate in the American political process. If our scholars from the past and present have shown such tolerance towards differing views on various issues, who are we, the average Muslim, who do not have that level of knowledge, to express intolerance for another point of view?

To understand this point thoroughly read the book Islamic Awakening Between Rejection and Extremism by Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.

4. Learn to criticize without hurting

The way some Muslims criticize each other, you'd think they were talking to an Islam-basher instead of a fellow brother or sister. This type of ignorant behavior is a sure way to create anger, hurt and dissension. It is no route towards unity.

We must learn the Adab (etiquette) of criticism, whether it is towards individual Muslims or our leaders. Knowing and implementing this will not only help solve problems in a practical manner, but it will also lead to a greater sense of brother and sisterhood in the community.

If you feel that your criticism of someone in the past was rude or hurtful, please go back and apologize to them. Before you do that, pray for that brother or sister, since the Prophet has said that Dua increases love between people.

5. Avoid taking a strong position on smaller points

There is what's called a "Fiqh of priorities" and this essentially means that there are some aspects of Islam that are more important than others. For instance, it's more important to emphasize that Muslims establish prayer than whether or not there should be a curtain between men and women in mosques.

Knowing what our priorities are will help us avoid making secondary issues of the faith factors of division in our communities. Muslim leaders, especially, must not only understand this, but implement it in their communities across North America so that small differences do not kill Muslim unity.

6. Do not call anyone a Kafir

This horrible phenomena of calling fellow believers Kafirs must end if we want to create a climate that is conducive to unity. Kafir-calling is a sure way to isolate individuals from the Muslim community. We must remember that Muslims in North America come from all cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, whether they were born and raised in the faith or reverted to it. If a person is expressing ideas that are not in line with Islamic values, s/he must be gently corrected. Kafir-calling will only fuel their ignorance, anger and stubborness, not to mention humiliate and embarrass them.

The Prophet warned that if one person calls another Kafir and the person called that is not one, the individual who made the accusation is a Kafir, Given this warning, isn't it sad that there is an organization in Egypt which calls itself the Party of Declaring Others Kafirs (Jamat Takfeer wa Hijra)?

7. Reaching out across ethnic boundaries

The ignorant practice of maintaining "ethnic mosques" is, Alhamdu lillah, slowly but surely disappearing in North America. But there is still a long way to go. All of our institutions, functions and communities in general must become more ethnically diverse and open to the needs and concerns of Muslims of all backgrounds. Muslim leaders and individuals have a duty to ensure that no Muslim, regardless of their ethno-cultural background, feels shut out of the community, ignored or neglected.

This can only be done by Muslim leaders and individuals taking the first step and reaching out to Muslims who may have been traditionally isolated because of ethnicity in mosques and other institutions. It is not enough to just open the door to all. A direct effort has to be made to solicit feedback, advice and support from all Muslims so that they feel a part of the community.

Another, more personal way of reaching out is to invite Muslims of diverse backgrounds to your home for food. Extend this invitation to non-Muslims as well to break barriers and share Islam.

8. Heed the advice found in Surah Hujurat

This 49th chapter of the Quran provides excellent guidance on the kind of behavior that Muslims should avoid to establish Muslim unity. For instance, Allah, advises us to avoid mockery, defamation and suspicion. These are all things which serve to divide us and create hatred, hurt and dissension.

Discuss the themes of Surah Hujurat relating to Muslim behavior in family meetings, study circles and classes for young and old Muslims, Khutbas, talks, etc. in your community to share this Divine wisdom with all.

Whenever you recall that you have done Gheebah (backbitten someone) against a Muslim or non-Muslim, you should remember that you need to seek that person's forgiveness. Doing this is a prerequisite to washing off that sin.

9. Share these tips with a wider audience

Share the above-mentioned tips with fellow Muslims in your community. This can be by suggesting the Khateeb during Friday and Eid prayers use this article as a topic for his sermon. Or you can print this out and hand it out to worshippers or publish it in your local or mosque newsletter. It's also important to discuss it in various Muslim settings to start the thinking and reflecting process amongst Muslims.

10. Make Dua for unity

Ask your Imam to emphasize unity as an Islamic duty in his Khutbahs and suggest practical ways it can be achieved in your country or Islamic organizations.

Also, suggest to Muslims going for Hajj to make special Dua for Muslim unity. When the Hajis return from the pilgrimage, the Prophet has encouraged us to go forward to receive them and when we receive them, to request them for Dua as well.This is another opportunity to seek Duas for Muslim unity.

Finally, make sure that you as an individual are not only working for unity but making Dua for it as well, since results are all in Allah's Hands.

Monday, June 9, 2008

A Wake-Up Call

A Wake-Up Call: Milestones of Islamic History

How rich the Islamic history is! Events, struggles, kingdoms, blooms, downfalls, and prominent figures.
History identifies nations, sheds light on the past, and records moments of victory and defeat.

Aware of the importance of the lessons offered by history,'s Art & Culture page presents a monthly coverage of the different eras of Islamic history.

We will sail through the most remarkable events and unveil the cultural side of the history of Islam.

Now, it's your turn! Tell us what you would like to learn about the Islamic history. Which era, historical figure, or specific culture or place would you like to know about?

My pages